Treating Incontinence With a Holistic Approach

Treating Incontinence With a Holistic Approach

Treat urinary incontinence in IL

Understanding incontinence, symptoms, and how holistic physical therapy can help

Have you been suffering with uncontrollable or unexplained urinary flow? Are you currently experiencing pain in the pelvic region that just won’t seem to go away? At Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL, we help people succeed in recovery with a holistic approach, focusing on all aspects of patient care and seeing the person as a whole.

Urinary incontinence is defined as any urine leakage that occurs throughout the day or night. If you’ve been diagnosed with UI, you may feel as if you’re alone, however, the condition is common, with more than 13 million people in the United States reporting symptoms.

Urinary incontinence is commonly seen after childbirth and as a result of pelvic floor dysfunction. While it may seem instinctual to visit a medical doctor for medication management or a procedural fix, many people aren’t aware that our Illinois physical therapists can actually help improve pelvic floor muscle strength and help people gain control over their condition.

With our unique and innovative approach, patients can heal comfortably and successfully. To start your recovery and get back to doing the activities you love, contact us at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today!

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as any uncontrollable leakage of urine, which means you pass urine unintentionally. UI involves the pelvic floor muscles, which attach to the bottom of the pelvic bones. Women are more likely than men to have urinary incontinence, however, there are still cases in males with the condition.

There are different types of urinary incontinence, such as stress incontinence, mixed incontinence, and urge incontinence. Most people with UI experience stress or urge incontinence.

Let’s take a look at each type of UI at what they entail:

  • Stress incontinence: Urine leakage when the bladder is put under sudden pressure. For example, coughing, sneezing or lifting.
  • Urge incontinence: When you feel an intense and unexpected need to pass urine and cannot delay going to the toilet.
  • Mixed incontinence: When you experience symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence.
  • Total incontinence: Urinary incontinence that is continuous and severe.

Common symptoms of urinary incontinence

People with urinary incontinence typically experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble storing urine, such as an urgent or frequent need to urinate or feeling like you constantly need to go
  • Inconsistent urine passing such as an extra slow stream of urine, straining or stopping as you urinate
  • Feeling as if you haven’t completely emptied your bladder or continuing to pass urine after you think you’ve finished

If you’ve experienced these symptoms and find them interfering with your daily activities, be sure to contact a medical professional to rule out any more serious conditions. If diagnosed with urinary incontinence, be sure to contact our specialists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL today.

Treatments To Improve Pelvic Floor Muscle Function

Your physical therapist will teach you how to improve pelvic floor function with specific exercises that target the area. The goal of these unique exercises is to help gain better control and you improve your pelvic floor function. Our specialized holistic approach utilizes the traditional methods of rehabilitation while combining them with other techniques such as education, massage, and effective exercises.

Your physical therapy treatment plan may include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises.
  • Exercises to improve muscle strength and mobility.
  • Bladder Health education
  • Biofeedback, the use of electrical sensors that provide information about the body and help to relax muscles and reduce pain.
  • Electric stimulation, which treats muscle spasms and pain.

During treatment, your physical therapist will create a customized program to improve your specific pelvic floor muscle function.

Your Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy’s therapist is the best person to help you gain control over your symptoms, avoid surgery and harsh medications, and restore normal functions that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Request an appointment at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today!

Pelvic floor pain and urinary incontinence can have a serious impact on your everyday life. While the condition may seem frustrating and like symptoms just won’t go away, our physical therapists can help you recover and gain the life back you deserve. In addition, we are sensitive to your condition and value your privacy, which is why sessions are held in private rooms one on one with a specialist.

Overcome urinary incontinence today – contact our specialists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL to make an appointment!


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