How Yoga Can Improve Your Pelvic Floor Health

How Yoga Can Improve Your Pelvic Floor Health

Pelvic floor therapy in Vitality Women's Physical Therapy

Stretch, breathe, and flow your way to a stronger pelvic floor

Have you noticed things haven’t been quite the same in your pelvic area since having kids? Or do you suffer from painful period cramps? It could be that you need to relax or strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Fortunately, the physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL are available with a variety of treatment options, including one you may already be familiar with–yoga!

The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles that support the organs in your pelvic area, including your reproductive organs, bladder, and bowel. Many people find this area of the body difficult to discuss, but it still needs to be strengthened and cared for.

Yoga has been shown to have tremendous benefits for the pelvic floor. If you want to start a yoga routine but aren’t sure how, schedule an appointment with Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL. Our experts will evaluate your fitness levels, walk you through the best poses for the pelvic floor, and generally get you started on a yoga-based journey to pelvic health!

Why should you care about the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor muscles affect several day-to-day aspects of your life, including urination, defecation, menstruation, and sexual health. Dysfunction of the pelvic floor can lead to several difficult-to-discuss symptoms or conditions. This is especially true of women, whose pelvic health can be profoundly affected by childbirth or chronic gynecological conditions such as endometriosis.

If your pelvic floor muscles are underactive (long, disconnected), overactive (short, stiff, unable to relax), or some combination of the two, you may start to see symptoms, including:

  • Sudden urgency of bladder or bowels
  • Bladder leakage when running, jumping, or coughing
  • Constipation or difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Pain or other changes in sensation during intercourse
  • Persistent pain throughout the pelvic region, including the hips, buttocks, and groin

While some pelvic floor conditions may require additional treatment, the good news is that the pelvic muscles can be strengthened and stretched just like any other. If the concept feels intimidating, don’t worry: the physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL are here to walk you through the process!

How yoga can benefit your pelvic floor

Yoga is a unique approach to fitness, blending strength and flexibility work with breathing and meditation. It tends to take a whole-body approach to wellness, meaning that a typical yoga session will strive to work the entire body, including your pelvic floor.

Because the pelvic floor muscles are typically out of sight and out of mind when most people work out, yoga is a fantastic way to work them without even thinking about it! When you relax, strengthen and stabilize your pelvic floor muscles, you’ll see various benefits: reduced menstrual pain, easier recovery from childbirth, and even improved sexual satisfaction. Yoga has also helped women to gain control over their bladder or bowels and treat pain across the pelvic area.

Yoga consists of moving through different postures. Depending on your approach, you may hold the posture for a set amount of time, or you may flow through several, one after another. The following yoga poses have been shown to strengthen and stretch the pelvic floor:

  • Warrior pose
  • Happy baby or half-happy baby pose
  • Bridge pose
  • Cat-cow pose
  • Child’s pose

How the physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy can help you get started

As with any workout program, it’s important to select exercises appropriate to your fitness level and to ensure that you’re performing the movements correctly. If you’re interested in starting a yoga practice, the physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL will be happy to help you do so safely and effectively.

We’ll conduct a thorough physical examination at your first appointment to determine which poses will work best for you. We’ll also guide you through each pose, offering corrections and suggestions to ensure you’re bringing awareness to your pelvic floor to get maximum benefits. Finally, we’ll provide you with a routine you can follow at home.

Schedule an appointment with Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today!

If you want to learn more about the benefits of yoga or the importance of relaxing and strengthening your pelvic floor, contact Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL today. Our team of experts is here to help you relax and strengthen your pelvic floor so you can see health benefits throughout your body.


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