Holistic Physical Therapy Support for Women’s Health Concerns

Holistic Physical Therapy Support for Women’s Health Concerns

Therapy for women's health in Illinois

Have you been struggling with pelvic pain since getting pregnant or giving birth? Have you heard that physical therapy can help? We specialize in women’s health issues at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL. We take a holistic approach to care and have a patient-first attitude. We know how discouraging it can be to have persistent difficulties, but fortunately, there are solutions!

Many women experience pelvic pain, incontinence, and other related issues. These health concerns can profoundly impact one’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being, interfering with daily life and enjoyment.

Women experience physical changes throughout their lives that can significantly impact their normal bowel, bladder, and sexual function. Our team routinely helps women deal with these changes and the normal hormonal changes that affect both mental and physical health.

Call today to schedule an appointment at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL to evaluate your condition and symptoms. Let us help guide you back to health and wellness!

What are the most common issues related to women’s health?

Urinary Incontinence: Our physical therapists can assess urinary incontinence by performing a thorough medical history and physical examination. This includes an assessment of the patient’s symptoms, including the frequency and volume of incontinence, the type of incontinence, and the presence of any associated symptoms such as urgency, pain, or discomfort.

Our physical therapists evaluate and treat patients experiencing urinary symptoms such as increased frequency, leaking with coughing/sneezing, lifting, exercising, or strong urges. These symptoms may result from weak or tight pelvic floor muscles, poor muscle coordination, abdominal weakness, or unhealthy bladder habits.

Additionally, physical therapists may perform pelvic floor muscle assessments to determine the strength and coordination of these muscles to determine the underlying causes of incontinence.

Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain: One of the keys to identifying how pregnancy is impacting your back pain is by learning about your symptoms. We will also need to know the location and severity of the pain and any associated symptoms, such as muscle weakness or numbness. This helps point to the structures that are most likely involved.

Next, our Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy physical therapists will perform movement assessments to determine the presence of any muscle imbalances, tissue or joint mobility restrictions, and any postural dysfunctions that may contribute to your pain.

Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body, leading to changes in posture, muscle strength, ligament stability, and pelvic alignment. These changes can cause persistent pain, such as pelvic or back pain. However, having a baby does not mean living with the pain forever. Many women can achieve significant improvement in pain and function with physical therapy.

Pelvic Pain: Our holistic approach to treatment starts by determining the location and severity of your pain and any associated symptoms that may be impacting your normal activities. We will perform pelvic floor muscle assessments to determine the presence of any muscle imbalances or dysfunctions contributing to your symptoms.

Assessing the root cause of pelvic pain is crucial. Our evaluations take into account a variety of symptoms related to bladder, bowel, and sexual health, obstetric and gynecological history, trauma history, your daily activities, and other past medical history.

The pain may stem from pelvic muscle tension, weakness, and/or poor coordination due to scar tissue restriction from surgeries, a history of poor bladder/bowel habits, pelvic or spine joint dysfunction, or tears from deliveries.

How physical therapy can help

At Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL, physical therapy treatments for back and pelvic pain and urinary incontinence will be based on your specific needs. Treatments may involve teaching tight muscles how to relax, muscle coordination and re-education, strengthening weak pelvic floor muscles, soft tissue release, bladder, bowel, and sexual health education, biofeedback, and core stabilization.

Our physical therapists will thoroughly examine your medical history and musculoskeletal system to determine the best course of treatment. We will include preventative measures and educational instructions to prevent future episodes.

Pelvic physical therapy at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles become tight or weak, daily life can be affected. The pelvic region is crucial for supporting your internal organs and the core and plays an essential role in everyday movements. We can help improve bladder control, reduce incontinence symptoms, and improve your overall physical function through exercises.

Physical therapists may also provide education on bladder and bowel habits and lifestyle modifications to improve your symptoms. This may include exercises to improve posture, strengthen the core and back muscles, and reduce the strain on your pelvis and spine through proper body mechanics.

Our team will address back and pelvic pain with a combination of manual therapy techniques, such as myofascial release, joint mobilization, and passive stretching, as well as targeted active and dynamic stretches and exercise prescriptions.

Schedule an appointment at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today!

Don’t let pelvic conditions hold you back from the activities you love. Schedule an appointment at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL today to learn how we can help. Our dedicated physical therapists are here to guide you toward relief and improved well-being!


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