The Role Your Pelvic Floor Plays in Your Sexual Health

The Role Your Pelvic Floor Plays in Your Sexual Health

Pelvic health in Illinois

Pelvic floor physical therapy offers benefits for women struggling with sexual dysfunction

Do you find intercourse painful? Have you struggled to experience sexual pleasure? What you’re experiencing is more common than you think. Many women struggle with sexual dysfunction, although few are aware that physical therapy can help with their struggles. At Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL, we’re here to provide discreet, compassionate relief.

“Sexual dysfunction” is an umbrella term that covers several different conditions affecting women. Because of shame, secrecy, and differing cultural attitudes, it can be difficult to know how many women are affected, but recent studies put the number at around 41%.

While these conditions can sometimes have a psychological component, the condition often may be rooted in a physical cause: pelvic floor dysfunction. The physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL are dedicated to providing high-quality treatment for women–including treatment for sexual dysfunction.

If you’re struggling with any of these issues, schedule an appointment with Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today and learn more about how we can help.

What is sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction can manifest in several different ways. In some cases, the dysfunction may be entirely due to hormonal causes–for example, menopause is often associated with decreasing sexual desire, decreased natural lubrication, and tissue atrophy due to the decline of estrogen in a woman’s system.

  • However, some conditions are directly related to the pelvic floor, including:
  • Vaginismus, which consists of involuntary contractions or muscle spasms around the vagina that causes pain or inability to tolerate penetration.
  • Painful sex, or recurrent, persistent pain during or after sex. Issues with the pelvic floor muscles can sometimes cause painful sex.
  • Arousal disorder, in which sexual interest is present, but not physical arousal.
  • Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) is a spontaneous, persistent, unwanted and uncontrollable genital arousal without sexual stimulation or desire, and is typically not relieved by orgasm. Symptoms may also include pressure, pain, irritation, and spasms in the pelvic region.
  • Anorgasmia, in which it is either difficult or impossible to achieve orgasm.

The causes of these disorders are typically a complex blend of psychological, hormonal, and physical factors. At Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy, we take a holistic approach to care. We look at the whole picture to help you better understand the exact cause of your condition and provide treatment for any physical components through exercise, manual therapy, and other modalities.

How the pelvic floor affects your sexual health

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that supports your pelvic organs–your bladder, bowels, and uterus. You might think of it as a hammock that holds up all your most private internal bits!

However, pelvic floor muscles are just like any other group of muscles in your body. When it’s overactive, it remains contracted and never fully relaxes, leading to painful tension and muscle spasms. An overactive pelvic floor can be a major contributor to sexual dysfunction.

For example, the pelvic floor muscles will cause the vagina to contract involuntarily during incidences of vaginismus. An overactive pelvic floor has also been linked to painful intercourse, and a weak pelvic floor could cause infrequent or underwhelming orgasms.

Pelvic floor physical therapy at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy will help you strengthen, stretch, and relax your pelvic floor muscles. It can be a major contributor to your overall sexual health!

How Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy can treat sexual dysfunction

The experts at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy have a wealth of tools available to help relieve sexual dysfunction. Depending on your specific needs, we might recommend one or more of the following:

Exercises: Pelvic floor muscles need to be trained just like other muscles need a good workout. We can help you know which exercises or stretches will help your condition. Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your pelvic floor function–which will, in turn, increase your sexual satisfaction!

Pelvic floor manual therapy: This treatment is a hands-on technique designed to work the pelvic floor’s inner and outer muscles, helping those muscles relax.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): This pain management technique sends a mild, painless electrical shock to your pelvic floor muscles, helping them to block pain signals.

Education: We know the importance of education in understanding your sexual health, so we’ll provide you with plenty of information about your pelvic floor and its relationship to the rest of your body. We’ll also arm you with lifestyle tips and suggestions for sexual strategies to reduce pain and promote pleasure.

Most importantly, however, the physical therapists at Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy will provide a safe, welcoming environment where you can feel free to share your symptoms, concerns, and history. We’re a team of pelvic floor experts trained specifically in women’s health, and your comfort is our primary concern.

Request your appointment with Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy today!

You deserve to experience good sexual health–and that includes sexual pleasure. Schedule an appointment with Vitality Women’s Physical Therapy in IL to learn more about how physical therapy can help relieve sexual dysfunction.


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